Sing-Along BLUES with a Live Band! - CD

Sing-Along BLUES with a Live Band!, CD
Kundenbewertung: -
UPC/EAN: 9781849383097
Unser Preis: 20,99 €
Sonderpreis: 9,99 €
inkl. MWSt zzgl. Versandkosten
Sie sparen 52,41%
(Lieferung nur solange Vorrat reicht!)

Ten classic blues songs, Noten (Melody Line) + Playback CD


  1. Baby What You Want Me To Do [Reed, Jimmy]
  2. Hi-heel Sneakers [Higgenbotham, Robert]
  3. I'd Rather Go Blind [Jordan, Ellington] [Foster, Billy]
  4. Need Your Love So Bad [John, Mertis]
  5. Please Send Me Someone To Love [Mayfield, Percy]
  6. Sweet Home Chicago [Johnson, Robert]
  7. The Lady Sings The Blues [Holiday, Billie - Nichols, Herbie]
  8. The Thrill Is Gone [Hawkins, Roy - Darnell, Rick]
  9. They Call It Stormy Monday [Walker, T-bone]
  10. Wang Dang Doodle [Dixon, Willie]

Take centre stage and sing along with a live band! The authentic CD backing tracks will help you achieve a more authentic performance.

With this great 3 part Hybrid book you get:

  • Printed Music: 10 pieces in melody line arrangements with lyrics and chord symbols.
  • Audio CD: Professional performances of every piece featuring a live band, plus 'soundalike' backing tracks to sing along with.
  • Free internet downloads: Full band score and parts downloadable to your computer

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