LES MISERABLES 25th Ann. Concert (DVD Code2)

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Kategorie: DVD
UPC/EAN: 5050582821130

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The Musical Event of a Lifetime

Musik: Claude-Michel Schönberg
Text: Alain Boublil, Herbert Kretzmer

Alfie Boe, Nick Jonas, Norm Lewis, Matt Lucas, Lea Salonga, Jenny Galloway, Ramin Karimloo, Katie Hall, Samantha Barks...

Audio: englisch 5.1, englisch 2.0
Untertitel: englisch, deutsch

plus the casts of the 2010 Original Production at the Queen’s Theatre, the New 25th Anniversary Production at the Barbican, London and members of the Original 1985 London cast featuring Colm Wilkinson, Michael Ball, Frances Ruffelle, Alun Armstrong, Simon Bowman...

Celebrating 25 years of the world's longest running musical, LES MISERABLES takes to the biggest stage of them all at the O2. With a cast of 500 actors and musicians including some very famous faces, this sensational live performance captures the very essence of musical theatre.

Seen by over 57 million people worldwide in 42 countries and in 21 languages, LES MISERABLES is undisputedly one of the world's most popular musicals. In celebration of 25 incredible years of the world's longest running musical, Les Miserables marks this momentous occasion with a spectacular performance at The O2.

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