THE MOST HAPPY FELLA (2000 Studio Cast) Compl. - 3CD

THE MOST HAPPY FELLA (2000 Studio Cast) Compl., 3CD
Kundenbewertung: -
Kategorie: Cast Recording, Musical CD
Sprache:  englisch
UPC/EAN: 5015062126020

nicht mehr lieferbar

First Complete Recording

Musik & Text: Frank Loesser

Songliste:   (Spieldauer: 63:55, 50:52, 55:17)

  1. Overture
  2. Thank you
  3. Ooh! My feet!
  4. Hey, where's what's her name?
  5. I know how it is
  6. It's jewlry
  7. My dear Rosabella
  8. I don't know nothing about you
  9. Yeah! I live on my grape ranch
  10. Maybe he's kind-a-crazy
  11. Somebody, somewhere
  12. The most happy fella
  13. Oh, hallo, Marie
  14. I don't know nothing about her
  15. Hi, Boss
  16. Standing on the corner
  17. All right - break it up
  18. Joey, Joey, Joey
  19. Hey, Tony, what's the Italian
  20. Soon you gonna leave me, Joe
  21. Rosabella
  22. Opening act one scene three
  23. Abbondanza
  24. And this is Tony's barn
  25. Plenty bambini
  26. Hey! Boss! I just saw the yard
  27. Sposalizio
  28. Bocci ball anybody?
  29. Well, here we are
  30. I seen her at the station
  31. Benvenuta
  32. It's very lovely
  33. Such friendly faces
  34. Well, thank you very much
  35. No home, no job
  36. Step back everybody
  37. Don't cry


  1. Prelude
  2. Fresno beauties (part one)
  3. Cold and dead
  4. Fresno beauties (part two)
  5. Ma che brutta sorte!
  6. Love and kindness
  7. Hey! You mad at me?
  8. Happy to make your acquaintance
  9. Oh, Marie
  10. Happy to make your acquaintance (Reprise)
  11. I don't like this dame
  12. Big D
  13. How beautiful the days
  14. Scene three opening
  15. Just look at 'em
  16. Young people
  17. Warm all over
  18. Old people gotta sit dere an' die
  19. Now you've got to look out for this label glue
  20. Oh, hello, Pasquale
  21. I like ev'rybody
  22. Scene five opening


  1. Isn't it wonderful
  2. I love him
  3. Easy now
  4. Like a woman loves a man
  5. My heart is so full of you
  6. Hea, paesan!
  7. Hoedown
  8. Rosabella! What's-a-matter?
  9. Mamma, Mamma
  10. Prelude
  11. Abbondanza (Reprise)
  12. Fellas? Hey, fellas
  13. I like everybody
  14. Folks! Before the party begins
  15. Song of a summer night
  16. Carissima! What's-a-matter
  17. Please let me tell you
  18. Ma che c'e?
  19. So you're finally gettin' out of town
  20. She gonna come home wit' me
  21. I made a fist
  22. He's gonna be Tony's bambino
  23. I canno' leave you money
  24. Finale
  25. Exit music

    Bonus Tracks:
  26. House and garden
  27. Nobody's gonna love you like I love you
  28. Eyes like a stranger
  29. Old people gotta sit dere an' die
  30. I'll buy everybody a beer
  31. Wanting to be wanted

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